▼Nvku | Vookoo high level C++ Vulkan interface |
CBlockParams | Description of blocks for compressed formats |
CColorAttachmentImage | An image to use as a colour buffer on a renderpass |
CComputePipelineMaker | A class for building compute pipelines |
CDepthStencilImage | An image to use as a depth buffer on a renderpass |
CDescriptorSetLayoutMaker | A factory class for descriptor set layouts. (An interface to the shaders) |
CDescriptorSetMaker | A factory class for descriptor sets (A set of uniform bindings) |
CDescriptorSetUpdater | Convenience class for updating descriptor sets (uniforms) |
CFramework | |
CGenericBuffer | |
▼CGenericImage | |
CState | |
CHostIndexBuffer | This class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for low performance vertex buffers in CPU memory |
CHostVertexBuffer | This class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for low performance vertex buffers on the host |
CIndexBuffer | |
CKTXFileLayout | Layout of a KTX file in a buffer |
CPipelineLayoutMaker | |
CPipelineMaker | |
CRenderpassMaker | |
CSamplerMaker | |
▼CShaderModule | Class for building shader modules and extracting metadata from shaders |
CVariable | A variable in a shader |
CTextureImage2D | A 2D texture image living on the GPU or a staging buffer visible to the CPU |
CTextureImageCube | A cube map texture image living on the GPU or a staging buffer visible to the CPU |
CUniformBuffer | This class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for uniform buffers |
CVertexBuffer | |
CWindow | This class wraps a window, a surface and a swap chain for that surface |