Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NvkuVookoo high level C++ Vulkan interface
 CBlockParamsDescription of blocks for compressed formats
 CColorAttachmentImageAn image to use as a colour buffer on a renderpass
 CComputePipelineMakerA class for building compute pipelines
 CDepthStencilImageAn image to use as a depth buffer on a renderpass
 CDescriptorSetLayoutMakerA factory class for descriptor set layouts. (An interface to the shaders)
 CDescriptorSetMakerA factory class for descriptor sets (A set of uniform bindings)
 CDescriptorSetUpdaterConvenience class for updating descriptor sets (uniforms)
 CHostIndexBufferThis class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for low performance vertex buffers in CPU memory
 CHostVertexBufferThis class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for low performance vertex buffers on the host
 CKTXFileLayoutLayout of a KTX file in a buffer
 CShaderModuleClass for building shader modules and extracting metadata from shaders
 CVariableA variable in a shader
 CTextureImage2DA 2D texture image living on the GPU or a staging buffer visible to the CPU
 CTextureImageCubeA cube map texture image living on the GPU or a staging buffer visible to the CPU
 CUniformBufferThis class is a specialisation of GenericBuffer for uniform buffers
 CWindowThis class wraps a window, a surface and a swap chain for that surface