Public Member Functions | List of all members
vku::PipelineMaker Class Reference

#include <vku.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 PipelineMaker (uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
vk::UniquePipeline createUnique (const vk::Device &device, const vk::PipelineCache &pipelineCache, const vk::PipelineLayout &pipelineLayout, const vk::RenderPass &renderPass, bool defaultBlend=true)
void shader (vk::ShaderStageFlagBits stage, vku::ShaderModule &shader, const char *entryPoint="main")
 Add a shader module to the pipeline.
void colorBlend (const vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState &state)
void subPass (uint32_t subpass)
void blendBegin (vk::Bool32 enable)
void blendEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
 Enable or disable blending (called after blendBegin())
void blendSrcColorBlendFactor (vk::BlendFactor value)
 Source colour blend factor (called after blendBegin())
void blendDstColorBlendFactor (vk::BlendFactor value)
 Destination colour blend factor (called after blendBegin())
void blendColorBlendOp (vk::BlendOp value)
 Blend operation (called after blendBegin())
void blendSrcAlphaBlendFactor (vk::BlendFactor value)
 Source alpha blend factor (called after blendBegin())
void blendDstAlphaBlendFactor (vk::BlendFactor value)
 Destination alpha blend factor (called after blendBegin())
void blendAlphaBlendOp (vk::BlendOp value)
 Alpha operation (called after blendBegin())
void blendColorWriteMask (vk::ColorComponentFlags value)
 Colour write mask (called after blendBegin())
void vertexAttribute (uint32_t location_, uint32_t binding_, vk::Format format_, uint32_t offset_)
 Add a vertex attribute to the pipeline.
void vertexAttribute (const vk::VertexInputAttributeDescription &desc)
 Add a vertex attribute to the pipeline.
void vertexBinding (uint32_t binding_, uint32_t stride_, vk::VertexInputRate inputRate_=vk::VertexInputRate::eVertex)
void vertexBinding (const vk::VertexInputBindingDescription &desc)
PipelineMakertopology (vk::PrimitiveTopology topology)
PipelineMakerprimitiveRestartEnable (vk::Bool32 primitiveRestartEnable)
PipelineMakerinputAssemblyState (const vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo &value)
PipelineMakerviewport (const vk::Viewport &value)
PipelineMakerscissor (const vk::Rect2D &value)
PipelineMakerrasterizationState (const vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo &value)
PipelineMakerdepthClampEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerrasterizerDiscardEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerpolygonMode (vk::PolygonMode value)
PipelineMakercullMode (vk::CullModeFlags value)
PipelineMakerfrontFace (vk::FrontFace value)
PipelineMakerdepthBiasEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerdepthBiasConstantFactor (float value)
PipelineMakerdepthBiasClamp (float value)
PipelineMakerdepthBiasSlopeFactor (float value)
PipelineMakerlineWidth (float value)
PipelineMakermultisampleState (const vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo &value)
PipelineMakerrasterizationSamples (vk::SampleCountFlagBits value)
PipelineMakersampleShadingEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerminSampleShading (float value)
PipelineMakerpSampleMask (const vk::SampleMask *value)
PipelineMakeralphaToCoverageEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakeralphaToOneEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerdepthStencilState (const vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo &value)
PipelineMakerdepthTestEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerdepthWriteEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerdepthCompareOp (vk::CompareOp value)
PipelineMakerdepthBoundsTestEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerstencilTestEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerfront (vk::StencilOpState value)
PipelineMakerback (vk::StencilOpState value)
PipelineMakerminDepthBounds (float value)
PipelineMakermaxDepthBounds (float value)
PipelineMakercolorBlendState (const vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo &value)
PipelineMakerlogicOpEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
PipelineMakerlogicOp (vk::LogicOp value)
PipelineMakerblendConstants (float r, float g, float b, float a)
PipelineMakerdynamicState (vk::DynamicState value)

Detailed Description

A class for building pipelines. All the state of the pipeline is exposed through individual calls. The pipeline encapsulates all the OpenGL state in a single object. This includes vertex buffer layouts, blend operations, shaders, line width etc. This class exposes all the values as individuals so a pipeline can be customised. The default is to generate a working pipeline.

Member Function Documentation

void vku::PipelineMaker::blendBegin ( vk::Bool32  enable)

Begin setting colour blend value If you don't do this, a default is used. Follow this with blendEnable() blendSrcColorBlendFactor() etc. Default is a regular alpha blend.

void vku::PipelineMaker::colorBlend ( const vk::PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState &  state)

Add a blend state to the pipeline for one colour attachment. If you don't do this, a default is used.

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::colorBlendState ( const vk::PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo &  value)

Set a whole colour blend state. Note you can set individual values with their own call

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::depthStencilState ( const vk::PipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo &  value)

Set a whole depth stencil state. Note you can set individual values with their own call

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::inputAssemblyState ( const vk::PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo &  value)

Set a whole new input assembly state. Note you can set individual values with their own call

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::multisampleState ( const vk::PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo &  value)

Set a whole multi sample state. Note you can set individual values with their own call

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::primitiveRestartEnable ( vk::Bool32  primitiveRestartEnable)

Enable or disable primitive restart. If using triangle strips, for example, this allows a special index value (0xffff or 0xffffffff) to start a new strip.

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::rasterizationState ( const vk::PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo &  value)

Set a whole rasterization state. Note you can set individual values with their own call

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::scissor ( const vk::Rect2D &  value)

Set the scissor value. This defines the area that the fragment shaders can write to. For example, if you are rendering a portal or a mirror.

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::topology ( vk::PrimitiveTopology  topology)

Specify the topology of the pipeline. Usually this is a triangle list, but points and lines are possible too.

void vku::PipelineMaker::vertexBinding ( uint32_t  binding_,
uint32_t  stride_,
vk::VertexInputRate  inputRate_ = vk::VertexInputRate::eVertex 

Add a vertex binding to the pipeline. Usually only one of these is needed to specify the stride. Vertices can also be delivered one per instance.

void vku::PipelineMaker::vertexBinding ( const vk::VertexInputBindingDescription &  desc)

Add a vertex binding to the pipeline. Usually only one of these is needed to specify the stride. Vertices can also be delivered one per instance.

PipelineMaker& vku::PipelineMaker::viewport ( const vk::Viewport &  value)

Set the viewport value. Usually there is only one viewport, but you can have multiple viewports active for rendering cubemaps or VR stereo pair

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