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vku::SamplerMaker Class Reference

#include <vku.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 SamplerMaker ()
 Default to a very basic sampler.
SamplerMakerflags (vk::SamplerCreateFlags value)
SamplerMakermagFilter (vk::Filter value)
SamplerMakerminFilter (vk::Filter value)
SamplerMakermipmapMode (vk::SamplerMipmapMode value)
SamplerMakeraddressModeU (vk::SamplerAddressMode value)
SamplerMakeraddressModeV (vk::SamplerAddressMode value)
SamplerMakeraddressModeW (vk::SamplerAddressMode value)
SamplerMakermipLodBias (float value)
SamplerMakeranisotropyEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
SamplerMakermaxAnisotropy (float value)
SamplerMakercompareEnable (vk::Bool32 value)
SamplerMakercompareOp (vk::CompareOp value)
SamplerMakerminLod (float value)
SamplerMakermaxLod (float value)
SamplerMakerborderColor (vk::BorderColor value)
SamplerMakerunnormalizedCoordinates (vk::Bool32 value)
vk::UniqueSampler createUnique (vk::Device device) const
 Allocate a self-deleting image.
vk::Sampler create (vk::Device device) const
 Allocate a non self-deleting Sampler.

Detailed Description

A class to help build samplers. Samplers tell the shader stages how to sample an image. They are used in combination with an image to make a combined image sampler used by texture() calls in shaders. They can also be passed to shaders directly for use on multiple image sources.

Member Function Documentation

SamplerMaker& vku::SamplerMaker::magFilter ( vk::Filter  value)

Set the magnify filter value. (for close textures) Options are: vk::Filter::eLinear and vk::Filter::eNearest

SamplerMaker& vku::SamplerMaker::minFilter ( vk::Filter  value)

Set the minnify filter value. (for far away textures) Options are: vk::Filter::eLinear and vk::Filter::eNearest

SamplerMaker& vku::SamplerMaker::mipmapMode ( vk::SamplerMipmapMode  value)

Set the minnify filter value. (for far away textures) Options are: vk::SamplerMipmapMode::eLinear and vk::SamplerMipmapMode::eNearest

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