| GenericImage (vk::Device device, const vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties &memprops, const vk::ImageCreateInfo &info, vk::ImageViewType viewType, vk::ImageAspectFlags aspectMask, bool makeHostImage) |
vk::Image | image () const |
vk::ImageView | imageView () const |
vk::DeviceMemory | mem () const |
void | clear (vk::CommandBuffer cb, const std::array< float, 4 > colour={1, 1, 1, 1}) |
| Clear the colour of an image.
void | update (vk::Device device, const void *data, vk::DeviceSize bytesPerPixel) |
| Update the image with an array of pixels. (Currently 2D only)
void | copy (vk::CommandBuffer cb, vku::GenericImage &srcImage) |
| Copy another image to this one. This also changes the layout.
void | copy (vk::CommandBuffer cb, vk::Buffer buffer, uint32_t mipLevel, uint32_t arrayLayer, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t offset) |
| Copy a subimage in a buffer to this image.
void | upload (vk::Device device, std::vector< uint8_t > &bytes, vk::CommandPool commandPool, vk::PhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memprops, vk::Queue queue) |
void | setLayout (vk::CommandBuffer cb, vk::ImageLayout newLayout, vk::ImageAspectFlags aspectMask=vk::ImageAspectFlagBits::eColor) |
| Change the layout of this image using a memory barrier.
void | setCurrentLayout (vk::ImageLayout oldLayout) |
| Set what the image thinks is its current layout (ie. the old layout in an image barrier).
vk::Format | format () const |
vk::Extent3D | extent () const |
const vk::ImageCreateInfo & | info () const |
Generic image with a view and memory object. Vulkan images need a memory object to hold the data and a view object for the GPU to access the data.